It is disturbingly obvious to all Omushkego that Health Care in our communities has decayed into a hollow service incapable of delivering the aid that it claims to provide.

Those of us that can access modern hospitals in urban areas are often overlooked, misdiagnosed, and left in waiting rooms longer than any other person seeking help. Heartbreaking events of first nations people dying in hospital waiting rooms must stop.

Too often we are sent home with sickness or injury that requires care beyond what our families can provide, and our homes are overcrowded, moldy, and unsuitable healing environments.

Weenusk First Nation suffered a fatal tragedy last week, during such, life preserving oxygen was found to be in dangerously low supply. This situation is not new to us. Did we not learn from what occurred Webequie First Nation in 2016. Laura Shewaybick’s death continues to haunt Webequie, yet here we remain uninvited to federal level meetings that dictate the success or failure of our health care.

Our people continue to lose their lives to preventable illnesses and injuries.

"First Nations leadership needs to be part of the discussion as our people continue to face health care inequities. As an elected Chief of Kashechewan First Nation and member of the Council of Chiefs at Mushkegowuk Tribal Council, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, and NAN Health Transformation, it is so important we fight and demand for the immediate needs of health care services that’ll meet the needs of our people collectively together as Chiefs and Representatives in the Health Care Sector."

Kashechewan First Nation Chief Gaius Wesley

The absence of equal health care for first nations people is appalling and will continue without true collaboration at federal level meetings such as the one taking place at Parliament Hill February 7th, 2023. Our Leaders need to participate in these critical discussions to effect change in our health care systems.

“Our Health System requires transformative change”

We are calling on all Chiefs, First Nation Health Administrators, First Nations People for your in-person support at Parliament Hill February 7th at 10:00am to hold the government to their end of our Treaty Right to Equitable Health Care.

In Omushkego Unity and Health,

Alison Linklater

Former Grand