In answering the call of health care work in the north you have signed up for more than a job.

You’ve committed to a front line that faces immense challenges in providing equitable health care where it is often overlooked and ignored.

You’ve chosen to be part of a community that struggles with health but is culturally rich and caring.

You’ve embraced people that in turn embrace your efforts, heart, and soul.

To our fallen hero Arjanan Sivasathiyarajah, who we lost in a boating accident July 3rd 2023 on the Kishtahjehwon Siipii we commend your commitment to our community and you will be remembered forever. Your honourable service and pledge to the health of our people will be celebrated for many years to come. To your family we embrace you as one of our own, and our condolences to you and your relations.

The community of Kashechewan never ceases to amaze me in terms of generosity, spirit, and strength. When challenging times push you, you push back even harder.

Meegwetch to all organizations that mobilized without hesitation to comprise a complete search effort that was without equal.

To the members of Kashechewan whose knowledge of the river that lead the best possible search strategy and effort: we are in your debt and thank you for your valuable support.

To those of you that prepared food, provided donations, and volunteered to sustain the search your efforts are as important as any and go much appreciated by all.

Godspeed to the brave search crew and family of our loved one lost,

Alison Linklater

Former Grand