The purpose of this important election notice is to clarifiy the newly approved guidelines pertaining to the politicial positions within the Mushkegowuk Council

According to the Election Code – dated May 30, 2023:

  • PART 5 – 5.1: The Grand Chief of Mushkegowuk Council shall be elected through a universal one person, one vote system by individual members of the seven (7) Mushkegowuk First Nations.
  • PART 5 – 5.2: Two Deputy Grand Chiefs shall be elected in conjunction with the election of the Grand Chief. Voters of the Northern communtities; Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany and Moose Cree will be eligible to vote for a Deputy Grand Chief representing that area. Voters from the Southern communities; Taykwa Tagamou, Chapleau Cree and Missanabie Cree will be eligible to vote for a Deputy Grand Chief representing that area.
  • PART 6 – 6.3: Each voter will be entitled to vote for the position of Grand Chief and one vote for the position of Deputy Grand Chief, according to which First Nation they are a member of.

Due Dates For Ballots

  • Mail-In Ballots Due: August 25, 2023
  • Email Ballots Due: August 25, 2023

General Election Day

  • In Person Voting: Friday, August 25, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Sherry A. Davey

Former Chief Electoral

Download PDF of this notice here.