As the original people of this beautiful land that continues to gift us rich lives we have all come to honour our dependence on it and each other. Both have sustained us since First Light and both will continue to propel us forward.

We find spirit replenishing inspiration in the experiences and time we share with one another in our lives. The essence of our quality of life has always been found in the friendships, family, and relations that we have all been blessed with as Omushkegowuk.

And it is through each other and our land that we ascertain shelter from anguish and the tidal despair that tragic loss casts upon us.

The magnitude of Weenusk’s loss in this fire is immense making any comfort difficult to foster.

We have lost two people at a pivotal age who had just begun their maturation into adulthood and more importantly were filled with tremendous potential to become leaders within our communities. The incompleteness of life ending so young comes hand in hand with the bright light they were while they were here by our side.

The countless uplifting qualities of our beloved lost will become more than fond memories of their time with us. Their spirit will become the foundation of our strength and will to provide the best life possible for all those we love. Our success to come will not be possible without the inspiration that they have instilled in us during their lives and presence forever afterwards.

To the survivors of this terrible event Godspeed to you in recovery and with open arms we await your healthy return home.

Our hearts and prayers to the community of Weenusk and to the families of our beloved lost,

Walter Leo Friday

Amos Wesley

Deputy Grand

Natasha Martin

Deputy Grand

Vern Cheechoo

Chief Executive