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Resolution No. 2011-09-35

Advocacy and Public Information Program Funding

WHEREAS according to the latest Common Experience Payment data, there has been over 1100 Indian Residential School survivors recorded as former students in the Mushkegowuk Territory; and

WHEREAS many of these former students have not been made fully aware of the Independent Assessment Process, an Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development of Canada initiative, more specifically, the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP) for compensation of serious cases of physical, sexual, emotional and mental abuse; and

WHEREAS the deadline for Independent Assessment Process application submission is September 19, 2012; and

WHEREAS Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada under their APIP program has decreased and in some cases eliminated funding that was previously provided for public education and cultural supports; and

WHEREAS without these support mechanisms in place, many of the former students will not be able to apply for the IAP;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs of the Omushkegowuk hereby call upon Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to restore the APIP funding that will allow for the creation of much needed Outreach Workers positions.

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