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WHEREAS the qrass roots of the fur industry is the hunters and the trapoers;

WHEŁS Reqional organizations, Hunters and Trappers organizations, National Oroanizations are either not funded, under-funded or are being cut back in these times of restraint;

WHEREAS r-0vernrrents and government officials lack credibility in addressincr the tranoing and fur industry issues;

WHEREAS the aboriqinal orqanizatons representatives are the main credible s:ookespersons on these

issues esoecially for their own oeoole;

THEREFO>IB BE IT >IBSOLVED that the r-0vernrnent of Canada and the r-0vernrrent of Ontario provide

Proper func1.inq towards Economic Development

pro1ects for small businesses related to the fur industry, traooer and hunter associations for

local community oroanizations work and to our National and International Organizations like

the Aboriginal Trappers Federation of Canada :for work on educational Proqra!T's and orooer organization work in Canada and as well to our International Orcranization, Indioenous Servival International

for the important work needed on an international basis to be done by our political leaders.

BE IT ffiRTHER RESOLVED that the Łuskegocr Cree Council r-.eneral Assembly directs the Chiefs of their reqion with a mandate to assist Aboriqinal

Trapoers and people that work in the fur industry in the formation of an association to work on behalf of the members of this area alonq with the Chiefs and Councils;

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