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Subject: Attawapiskat Work Permits

WHEREAS the Attawapiskat First Nation received notice dated August 25, 1992 from the Ministry of Natural Resources that it has received an application for a work permit for mineral exploration, including line cutting and diamond drilling on the First Nation's traditional lands;

WHEREAS the work which is proposed is likely to have a serious impact on the First Nation's traditional lands and on the members' aboriginal and treaty rights to hunt, trap and fish on these lands; WHEREAS the First Nation has not been provided with sufficient information by the Ministry of Natural Resources or from the applicant to allow the First Nation to consider the impact of the proposed work;

WHEREAS the First Nation has not consented to the granting of this application, and does not accept that a permit be granted;

Attawapiskat Work Permits

Parish Hall -Moose Factory

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mushkegowuk Council Assembly supports the position of the Attawapiskat First Nation and demands that the Ministry of Natural Resources not issue any applications, and that no work be permitted on the First Nation's traditional lands until the Ministry and the applicant have concluded discussions with the First Nation and the First Nation has consented to the work which is proposed.

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