Scanned Text Excerpt

RESOLUTION NO. 1996-08-12


WHEREAS the 10th Annual Assembly adopted Resolution 1995-10-21 directing the Mushkegowuk Council to examine the possible option of initiating a revolving loan fund for students that can not be funded due to a shortage of post secondary funds;

WHEREAS the backlog of post secondary students not funded this year number 168 or 2 1 /2 times more than last year to this year;

WHEREAS this increase in numbers of students not funded is indicative of a trend that will continue in the years to come as more students enter college & university as secondary school graduates;

WHEREAS this Assembly has had a preliminary look at the basic mechanics of a revolving loan fund and what initial operating fund may be required;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Council continue its work in examining the revolving loan fund as directed by Resolution 1995-10-21 as well as collaborate with the Nishnawbe Aski Nation in its efforts to undertake a similar initiative as directed by Keewaywin '96 resolution;

RESOLUTION NO. 1996-08-12 cont.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Council report to the 12th Annual Assembly on the work undertaken in the development of such a loan fund for the Assembly's further direction.

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