Scanned Text Excerpt

RESOLUTION NO. 1998-08-12


WHEREAS the Assembly of First Nations has funds available to member First Nations under the umbrella organization known as the Aboriginal Healing Foundation; and

WHEREAS these funds have been designated for "healing purposes only' and aimed towards the Indian Residential School Survivors and their offspring at the community level; and

WHEREAS there will only be a limited amount of dollars available to each community, which necessitates the need for the creation of cost effective community programs; and

WHEREAS it would be m the best interests of the member First Nations of the Mushkegowuk Council to ensure that there are no conflicting or competing applications among its members; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Assembly recommends that when a Mushkegowuk First Nation applies to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation for funding that a copy of its proposal be circulated within the Mushkegowuk Council membership.

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