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RESOLUTION NO. 1999-09-09


WHEREAS we the Mushkegowuk have existed withjn the Mushkegowuk Aski since the time of first light; and

WHEREAS our ancestors pursued in earlier days a way of life on the land consistent with the intent of the Creator and in accordance with the rhythms and balances of the Mushkegowuk Aski; and

WHEREAS our ancestors' way of life remains a paii ofus today but we have also evolved and adapted in response to the colonization and occupation of our tenitories and other changes around and among us; and

WHEREAS as a means of declaring our intent to live in unity, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs have considered, discussed and prepared a draft of a Constitution, as presented to this assembly, which will provide our unified people and communities with a structure that will protect and develop the rights and capacities of our people and Nation; and

WHEREAS the draft Constitution is part of the development of a Mushkegowuk Regional Government as a new forun1 for the free expression of our people's right of self-determination as provided to us by the Creator of Life and as affim1ed in

international covenants that protect the ability of all peoples to pursue their inherent tights of self-detennination;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Chiefs and staff of Mushkegowuk Council are directed to continue with the pla1ming and development of a Mush.kegowuk Constitution and a Mush.kegowuk Regional Government for further review by the Mushkegowuk people; and

FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the Mush.kegowuk communities continue to be consulted as the driving spirit behind the plaiming and development of this Constitution ai1d government structure.

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