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RESOLUTION NO. 2000-08-20


WHEREAS in 1995/96, work was initiated by the Attawapiskat First Nation to construct a dyke and flood protection measures; and

WHEREAS the First Nation assumed the role of contractor in order to create employment opportunities; and

WHEREAS the First Nation's technical support services decided to shut down the project as the initial estimate of$5.7 million did not adequately reflect the real costs of building a dyke; and

WHEREAS the reaction of Indian and Northern Affairs (INAC) was to accuse the First Nation of misappropriating capital funds insist on a financial audit of the dyke project and threaten the First Nation with third party management; and

WHEREAS an independent auditor and quality surveyor determined that the project was under-capitalized at twice the budgeted amount of $5.7 million; and

WHEREAS the First Nation's financial audit for the past three years has shown a deficit of $1.7 million, when combined with a $900,000 cost over-run for the Phase 1 water and sewage project; and

WHEREAS the dyke/flood protection project has not been completed, leaving the community at risk;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Chiefs in Assembly, demand that INAC acknowledge its responsibility for the under-capitalization of the dyke/flood protection project and work with the First Nation to complete the project.

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