Scanned Text Excerpt

Resolution No. 2004-09-08

Re: Discontinuance of Aerial Forest Spraying

WHEREAS the lands and forests in the traditional territories of the Chapleau Cree First Nation surrounding its reserve, and the lands and forests in other parts of Mushkegowuk Territory, are repeatedly subject to aerial spraying intended to encourage growth of planted trees by eliminating other vegetation;

AND WHEREAS this aerial spraying has wide destructive effects, including harming many beneficial plants such as traditional medicinal plants and berries, and harming the habitat in other ways;

AND WHEREAS there are alternative and less destructive methods of achieving the desired effects, including manual tending;

AND WHEREAS alternative methods such as manual tending may be more expensive but are also more beneficial to local and First Nation economies, in addition

Resolution No. 2004-09-08, cont.

to being less harmful to the lands and forests;

AND WHEREAS other jurisdictions have banned aerial forest spraying;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mushkegowuk Nation and the Mushkegowuk First Nations urge and require that the Province of Ontario and the forestry companies operating in Mushkegowuk Territory plan and implement a rapid phase-out of aerial forest spraying, and plan and implement early replacement of aerial spraying with more acceptable practices, including manual tending;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario adopt and implement policies and legislation which prohibit aerial forest spraying in Mushkegowuk Territory.

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