Scanned Text Excerpt

Resolution No. 2005-09-11

Omushkego Cree Language

WHEREAS since the time of confederation, the government of Canada, and the government of Ontario, developed and maintained governmental policies to deal with the so called "Indian Problem" by assimilating and "disappearing" the Indians; and

WHEREAS these policies were implemented in part under the authority of legislative acts giving jurisdiction and responsibility for the "education" of Aboriginal children to the Province of Ontario; and

WHEREAS at the beginning this "education" entailed the conscription of aboriginal children as young as four years and older, to be forcibly removed from the protection and love of their families, homes, and surrounding environment to become wards of the government and be placed into Residential Schools for the purpose of stripping them of their language, beliefs, values and culture; and

WHEREAS these children were subjected to an education system for the purpose of inculcating them with a foreign language, beliefs, values and culture with the goal of complete assimilation and disappearance; and

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk First Nations have recently commemorated 100 Years since the signing of the James Bay Treaty

Resolution No. 2005-09-11 , Page 2

and acknowledge that recovering and restoring the Omushkego Cree Language is one of the many necessary steps in the process of Nation Building and self-determination;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs in Assembly assert their right to communicate in their Mother Tongue of Omushkego Cree as given unto them by the Creator for the purpose of instructing their children and transferring their language, beliefs, values and culture; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Omushkego Cree shall be the official language of communication in the day to day business and operation of the Mushkegowuk First Nation communities and their affiliated Boards.

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