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Resolution No. 2010-09-13

Mushkegowuk Representation for Children in Care

WHEREAS the care and protection of children and families in the Mushkegowuk communities is a critical priority, and

WHEREAS Mushkegowuk Council Assembly Resolution 2007-09-17 mandated the Office of the Grand Chief to establish a Regional Chiefs Committee to advocate and advance regional child, family and social service issues, and

WHEREAS there are a high number of Mushkegowuk children "in care" in Timmins and surrounding areas and the individual Mushkegowuk First Nations do not always have the resources to attend hearings relating to these children and otherwise advocate for their care;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Mamohitowin of the Omushkegowuk directs the Office of the Grand Chief to explore with Payukotayno James & Hudson Bay Family Services and Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services, the establishment of a Mushkegowuk Child Advocate Position in Timmins to work with Mushkegowuk First Nations and Omushkego families to ensure that the interests of our children are protected.

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