Scanned Text Excerpt

Resolution No. 2011-09-13

Creating and Establishing a Culturally Based Victim Services Program

WHEREAS there exists a high number of victims of crime within the Western James & Hudson Bay communities that need healing and reconciliation through a culturally designed and implemented Victim Services Program; and

WHEREAS the Province of Ontario is mandated to provide a Victim Services Program for all citizens of Ontario and a Victim Services Program for the Omushkegowuk of the Western James and Hudson Bay does not exist; and

WHEREAS in 2009, the Mushkegowuk Council approached Ontario to discuss the need for a Victim Services program and the Ministry of the Attorney General has recently responded and are offering funding of $1 million over three (3) years to create and deliver a Victim Services program for the Western James & Hudson Bay; and

WHEREAS the Mushkegowuk Council has recently participated in a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of the Attorney General to begin the process of establishing a

Victim Services Program and the following are key elements for Year 1 (2011/12):

Community consultations to seek direction on the design and delivery of the program

Establish a Regional Advisory Group

Research existing data for use in community consultations and the development of service delivery models

Develop and test a Model(s) for service delivery

Produce a recommended service delivery model based on consultation findings

Through a request for proposal, select a regional service agency to administer and deliver the program; and

WHEREAS the work for the above will begin mid-October and must be completed by March 31, 2012; and

WHEREAS it is proposed that Year 2 (2012/13) & Year 3 (2013/14) will consist of implementation and delivery of a culturally based Victim Services program; and

WHEREAS it is proposed by Ontario that one third (1/3) of the total funding of $1 Million will be expended in each of the three years; and

WHEREAS the proposed Victim Services program will serve five First Nations (Moose Cree, Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany and

Weenusk) the part of Moose Factory not under First Nation jurisdiction (Mocreebec & Local Area Services Board), and the Town of Moosonee; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED based on the needs of the victims of crime and backlog for a Victim Services Program, the delegates of this Mamowihitowin optimistically and cautiously supports the creation and implementation of a Victim Services Program for the Western James & Hudson Bay; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that based on the consultation, design of Service Delivery Model and funding requirements, Ontario will be required to allocate adequate funding to operate the Victim Services Program in year 2 and beyond; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the delegates of the Mamowihitowin mandate the Council of Chiefs to accept and approve a timely implemented culturally based Victim Services Program for the Western James & Hudson Bay.

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