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Resolution No. 2011-09-25

Support for Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Specialized Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre

WHEREAS the Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Specialized Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre is a Nishnawbe Aski treatment centre working to address the serious solvent abuse problem m our communities; and

WHEREAS the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Chiefs are members of the Ka-Na-Chi­Hih Special Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre Board and its directors are appointed by the affiliated Tribal Councils and grouping areas; and

WHEREAS the Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Specialized Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre obtained a Four-Year Accreditation with the Canadian Accreditation Council achieving a rating of 100% compliance with all applicable standards met and continues to have a high occupancy rate, recording a client completion rate of 73%; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk recognize the significance of having continued access to resources for individuals with solvent abuse problems who seek treatment in their healing journey to wellness of body, heart, and spirit; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk support Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Solvent Abuse Program in its programming for prevention, education, awareness, and aftercare; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Omushkegowuk commend the Board and Staff of Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Specialized Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre for their demonstrated programming success; and

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Omushkegowuk fully support Ka-Na-Chi-Hih Specialized Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre in their pursuit for funding from various government, private sectors bodies and other agencies.

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