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Resolution No. 2012-09-05

Annual Mushkegowuk Health Conferences

WHEREAS the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority is a regional, community-focused organization, mandated by the Omushkegowuk to provide optimum health care as close to home as possible; and

WHEREAS the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority distinguishes itself as a provider of quality health services with a holistic approach the reflects the distinct needs of all peoples in the Weeneebayko region; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk are seriously concerned with most areas of our current health care service provided by the current health care system,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority is accountable to the Omushkegowuk thorugh the Council of Chiefs, and that both Weeneebayko Area Health Authority and the Omushkegowuk would benefit from greater opportunities and forums from Weeneebayko Area Health Authority to promote a sense of Omushkego ownership and to promote beneficial

development of our health care service; and

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk request Weeneebayko Area Health Authority to conduct Annual Mushkegowuk Health Conferences within the Mushkegowuk Homelands.

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