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Resolution No. 2012-09-26

Child Welfare in Mushkegowuk Territory

WHEREAS our children continue to be the most precious gift from our Creator and our culture, and inherent Aboriginal laws provide the best possible care for our children and our families; and

WHEREAS our regional child and family service, Payukotayno, was created by Omushkegowuk and is based on our cultural and customary care practices; and

WHEREAS the current Ontario government legislation, the Child and Family Services Act, is disrespectful of, and discriminatory against, we as Omushkegowuk and our children; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Orriushkego reaffirms the sacred importance of our Omushkego children to our families, our communities, and our existence and well-being as the Omuhskego and the Mushkegowuk Nation; and

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkego reaffirms the critical importance of:

Keeping our Omushkego children in our communities, and in our families;

Our ability to operate child and welfare services according to our traditions, our laws, and our culture;

Maintaining control over child welfare services in our First Nations and in our Mushkegowuk regional government.

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