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Resolution No. 2014-01-14

Our Most Precious Gifts: Our Children and Family

WHEREAS our children continue to be the most precious gift from our Creator, and Inherent Aboriginal laws provide the best possible care for our children and our families; and

WHEREAS this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk recognizes and reaffirms the sacredness and blessings our children bring into our lives; and

WHEREAS as directed by the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Chiefs, NAN is currently engaged in a process that looks to create a NAN wide authority for Child Services; and

WHEREAS Payukotayno has invited the governments of the Mushkegowuk First Nations • to a summit on Child Welfare; and

WHEREAS when the Mushkegowuk Chiefs and Elders created Payukotayno in the early 1980's. they had a vision of a Child and Family Service organization that would be reflective of the cultures, traditions and values of the Omushkego and that their Child and Family Service organization would continue to be reflective of these core values today,

but that vision has often been frustrated by the rules and funding restrictions adopted by the provincial government, which do not recognize our northern First Nation culture and financial costs;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk encourages and urges Payukotayno Child and Family Services to continue to urgently work for that original vision of our people when Payukotayno was established; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of the Grand Chief be directed to continue to co-operate with Payukotayno in organizing a Mushkegowuk Summit on Child and Family Welfare, to include the government of Ontario, to further work towards the original Mushkegowuk vision of child welfare, including increased sensitivity to our Mushkegowuk culture, and the realistic financial needs of child care programmes in Mushkegowuk Territory in Northern Ontario; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mushkegowuk Council and Payukotayno continue to monitor and participate in the NAN child welfare review as a way to explore possible improvements for child welfare in Mushkegowuk Territory.

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