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Resolution No. 2015-01-17

Regional Recreation Coordinator Office For Children and Youth

WHEREAS Organized sport and recreation activity continues to be very important to the personal development, health and well-being of our children and youth; and

WHEREAS The Omushkegowuk rates of suicide, mental health issues, lack of sport facilities and programs are among the highest in Ontario and Canada; and

WHEREAS There exist numerous government reports that identify the lack of sport and recreation services in our communities and these reports also speak of how sport and recreation can help our children and youth live healthier lives and build healthier communities; and

WHEREAS Organized sport and recreation on a regional level would support and enhance community programs and services for the youth and children; and

WHEREAS We are continuously working to keep our youth engaged, active and productive and also have a number of recreation activities have grown over the years; these activities help shape our children and youth

activities into one around a positive lifestyle.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs and Delegates of this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk wholeheartedly support all efforts and strategies that aim to promote healthy living for our children and youth; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of Omushkegowuk supports Mushkegowuk Council's funding application to the Ontario Sport and Recreation Community Fund; and as well; the Mushkegowuk First Nations are also encouraged to contribute financially for the creation of a Regional Sports and Recreation Coordinator office for the 2015-16 fiscal year.

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