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Resolution No. 2015-10-06

Mushkegowuk -Ontario Treaty Roundtable Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

WHEREAS at its 2010 Annual Mamowihitowin the Chiefs and delegates of the Omushkego reviewed the history of Oral Treaty Promises by representatives of Canada and Ontario , and reviewed the possibility of a lawsuit to enforce the Oral Treaty Promises, and authorized the Chiefs, after further review, to begin formal legal action if the Chiefs considered appropriate; and

WHEREAS at its 2011 Annual Mamowihitowin the Chiefs and delegates of the Omushkego further reviewed a possible Oral Treaty Promises lawsuit, and authorized the Chiefs to further review a possible lawsuit and if appropriate formally begin a lawsuit; and

WHEREAS a lawsuit in support of the Oral Treaty Promises was filed; and

WHEREAS at its 2012 Annual Mamowihitowin the Chiefs and delegates reviewed the agreement of the Government of Ontario to begin high level discussions with Mushkegowuk Council about the potential for mutual treaty implementation strategies, and reviewed the results of several such meetings, and the Chiefs and delegates authorized the Grand Chief and other

Omushkego representatives to continue talks with the province to explore possible steps and strategies to implement the Oral Promises of Treaty 9; and

WHEREAS at its 2014 Annual Mamowihitowin the Chiefs and delegates reviewed progress at the exploratory treaty implementation talks with Ontario, and reaffirmed their willingness to engage in further Government to Government discussions, and directed the Grand Chief to seek a Government to Government agreement that formalized the Treaty Roundtable talks; and

WHEREAS at its 2015 Annual Mamowihitowin in January of 2015 the Chiefs and delegates reviewed a draft Memorandum of Understanding for the Treaty Roundtable and approved it in principle and submitted it to the Mushkegowuk Chiefs for signing, and

WHEREAS further internal Mushkegowuk discussions, and further discussions with Ontario, resulted in improvements to the draft MOU, and

WHEREAS for many years the Mushkegowuk Grand Chief and Mushkegowuk representatives have consulted widely with Mushkegowuk people and communities on the Oral Treaty Promises, and on possible steps forward on discussion of implementation of the Oral Treaty Promises, through community meetings, conferences, video and film presentations, online materials, consultation with elders, youths, and community representatives, and

WHEREAS there has been strong community and grassroots support for upholding the Oral Treaty Promises, and

WHEREAS the present proposed draft MOU contains importance recognitions by the province, including that the province must conduct discussions with the Mushkegowuk representatives on a Government-to-Government basis, that the MOU is non-binding and is for exploratory discussions only, that the MOU is not intended to interfere with the rights of individual Mushkegowuk First Nations, that the MOU talks are intended to advance the governance capacity of the Omushkego, and that the MOU talks are intended to advance the quality of life for the Omushkego, and

WHEREAS it is clear and assumed that there would be continuing consultations with the Mushkegowuk people and communities, and individual First Nations and Chiefs and Councils, regarding the continuing Treaty Roundtable discussions, for progress reports and input;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs and delegates of this Mamowihitowin approve the proposed Treaty Roundtable Memorandum of Understanding with Ontario, as a way to move forward on implementing our Treaty rights as set on in the Oral Treaty Promises;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to ensure that the rights of individual Mushkegowuk First Nation be protected, the MOU be amended by adding a clause that any individual Mushkegowuk First Nation can withdraw from the talks at any time.

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