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Resolution No. 2016-09-17

I Love First Peoples Collaboration

WHEREAS Mushkegowuk Council acknowledge the presentation done by the I Love First Peoples Organization

WHEREAS Mushkegowuk Council acknowledge the efforts and initiatives of the I Love First Peoples in educating Canadians on Aboriginal issues; and

WHEREAS Mushkegowuk Council understand the importance of student retention and success in education; and

WHEREAS Mushkegowuk Council recognize the passion and dedicated I Love First Peoples have in the development of Aboriginal youth; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk will fully suppo_rt communities who choose to collaborate with the I Love First Peoples Organization; and

FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk encourage all funding partners such as Mushkegowuk First Nations, First Nation owned Corporations, and First Nation business partners to collaborate with the efforts of the I Love First Peoples Organization in assisting in bringing the "Celebrating

School", "Celebrating Fitness",

"Celebrating Initiative" and "Pack-A­

Shoebox" to the Omushkegowuk.

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