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Resolution No. 2018-03-03

Mushkegowuk Health Framework Agreement

WHEREAS the concerns of

Mushkegowuk community members and the Mushkegowuk First Nations regarding the tragically inadequate health care in our region are well­known and have been discussed for years and decades; and

WHEREAS moving toward solutions requires Mushkegowuk input and control at many levels and in many ways;

WHEREAS this Assembly has reviewed the draft proposed Health Framework Agreement which if accepted by the province creates many potentially positive possibilities for change;

WHEREAS this Assembly recognizes and supports Moose Cree First Nation's independent bilateral health process with Canada, and this resolution and this proposed Agreement is not intended to abrogate or derogate from Moose Cree First Nation's inherent or Treaty rights in relation to that process;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the draft Mushkegowuk Health Framework Agreement, as presented to this Assembly, be amended to add:

an opt-in/opt-out section that sets out how individual First Nations may opt-in or opt-out of the Framework, and

a section setting out the goal of having the federal government join in the Framework if possible and as soon as possible, and

That the Mushkegowuk Chiefs in Assembly support the adoption of the proposed Health Framework Agreement with the above changes.

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