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Resolution No. 2018-11-13

Land-Based Indigenous Healing Strategy

WHEREAS the opioid crisis and illegal drugs and alcohol epidemic continues to destroy our families, communities and our Cree way of life; and

WHEREAS land-based healing is the inherent spiritual connection between the land, the individual and the Creator. This connection is a universal, central component for our healing and wellness; and

WHEREAS land-based initiatives may include the development and implementation of various forms of programs and activities which include but not limited to: trauma counselling, traditional healing, detox/treatment and wellness camps, Land­based pedagogical programs (integration of Western science and traditional knowledge), cultural camps (integration of harvesting and traditional skills), outdoor recreation ·and leadership camps, and variations of these different modalities combined; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Land­based Indigenous Healing is in high demand by the Omushkegowuk and recommended in several major reports that include; Truth and Reconciliation Commission, The People's Inquiry into our Suicide Pandemic, Emergency Summit on Illegal Drugs and Alcohol, Fort Albany First Nation Youth Summit #LOVELIFE; and this .../2

Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk calls for more Land Based Healing services in our region; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FINALL RESOLVED that this Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk mandates the Mushkegowuk Council to work with the Mushkegowuk First Nations on developing and implementing a long­term sustainable Land-Based Indigenous Health Strategy.

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