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Resolution No. 2019-10-06

Regional Strategy for Pain Management Services

WHEREAS it is estimated that $60 billion dollars is spent treating pain in Canada, and in 2016-2017 NIHB spent $494.5 million dollars on Pharmacy benefits (includes medical supplies and equipment), and;

WHEREAS in 2016-2017 NIHB Pharmacy expenditures in the Ontario Region totaled $93.1 million dollars; $70.4 million was spent on prescription drugs in comparison to the expenditures on Mental Health Counselling NIHB spent $21.7 depsite Mental Health being a priority need for Indigenous people, and;

WHEREAS A report lead by the Chief of Ontario with the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences 2015, found that NIHB and Ontario Drug Benefits prescriptions for Opioids have steadily increased since 2005, and;

WHEREAS the fragmented health care in the north limits equitable access to specialty services to treat and manage pain appropriately, and the nearest pain clinic is approximately 1200 kms away creating barriers for members who suffer from chronic pain and pain associated with cancer;

Mushkegowuk Council recognizes that a patient-centred approach is fundamental to collaborative care and fully supports the delivery of a wholistic model of care under the Mushkegowuk Health Primary Care Framework and;

pain clinic would create partnerships and networks, create appropriate pathways to managing chronic pain, alleviate the workload for Primary Care Physicians and Nurse Practitioners and utilize health resources more appropriately while minimizing the potential for opiate addictions; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED This Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk directs the Mushkegowuk Council executive to collaborate with other regional agencies and service providers on developing a regional strategy to establish Pain Management Clinic services in Northern Ontario, preferably within the Mushkegowuk Region.

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