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Resolution No. 2022-09-06

Omushkegowuk Women's Council

WHEREAS we the Omushkegowuk llliliwuk/lnniniwuk are a strong and united people bonded by language, culture, history, tradition, geography, and lifestyle; and

WHEREAS An Omushkegowuk Women's Council could play a significant positive role with the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs, Executive Office, and the Omushkegowuk First Nation communities, and could greatly contribute to advancing issues relating to First Nation women and girls, by advocating and helping with recommendations; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk Women's Council would provide opportunities to address the women and girls issues with the teachings of our ancestral way of life and by continually engaging with women and girls in our Mushkegowuk Territory; and

WHEREAS establishing the Omushkegowuk Women's Council would aim to ensure that women's and family issues, and their priorities and needs, are identified, and addressed, along with their well-being, and sense of identity to both off-

reserve and on-reserve Omushkegowuk llliliwuk/lnniniwuk, and be inclusive of two­spirited individuals as they self-identify; and

WHEREAS the Omushkegowuk Women's Council would implement a Terms of Reference, Mandate, Advisory roles, and other related documents, to be approved by the Council of Chiefs, with Mushkegowuk Council to assist with appropriate administration and help obtaining appropriate funding;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs and delegates of this 36th Mamowihitowin of the Omushkegowuk strongly supports the development and implementation of a Omushkegowuk Women's Council in our Mushkegowuk Territory with representation from each of the Mushkegowuk First Nations.

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